Michael Hall, A Steiner Waldorf School

Laurie has headed up the hugely productive and fertile hectare of land at this truly unique school for 8 years. Previously a stately home, its walled garden hasn’t seen a synthetic chemical in its 300 year existence, and is now Demeter certified - Biodynamic.

The school teaches how to grow exceptional produce and market it as a business as part of its normal curriculum. The produce from this vibrant and fertile soil is exquisite.

Laurie does not believe in mollycoddling plants. Instead, they earn their place in his garden, encouraged and forced to seek nutrients and water for themselves as they would naturally. He does not irrigate, just waters new seedlings in. His soil is so well established that it is resilient to the longest droughts without irrigation and wettest weeks without flooding.


Brambletye Fruit Farm


Laines Organics